FTA: First, it is important to understand Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” The untaught love to throw this little sound bite around as if it were an all-sufficient Bible argument to end all criticism or judgment. When it is used against public preaching and teaching, you know you have met another religious novice. The only reason most can remember it is because it is only seven words long. Do they really think these seven words overthrow the rest of the Bible?

This rule must be understood in its context and in light of the rest of Scripture. For example, just five verses later, Jesus Himself told us to judge some men as dogs and pigs and keep the truth from them (Matt 7:6). Wow! Judge not, huh? For example, Jesus told us to judge righteous judgment (John 7:24). And the whole context of the statement itself, the Sermon on the Mount, is His condemning judgment of the Pharisee’s religion from start to finish (Matt 5:20; 7:28-29).

Read more here: Why do You Judge Others?

I’m a Cheerful Legalist!

(P)eople throw this cheap term with a flexible definition around to slur those who believe there is only one way to worship God. By that definition, we are cheerfully legalists! We know that God accepted Abel’s offering, but rejected Cain’s. We know Jesus said that worship must be in spirit and truth to be acceptable (John 4:23-24). Since truth does not allow for a variety of ideas, Jesus taught there was only one way to worship God. And Paul must have been the greatest legalist of all time, for he cursed any angel or man who preached anything differently than he preached (Gal 1:6-9). Yes, we are legalists in this sense.

We do not believe a sincere heart covers for disobeying the word of God. David had a sincere heart moving the Ark of the Covenant, but God killed a man for it not being moved the right way. Moses had 40 years of faithful service as Israel’s leader, but God kept him from the land of Canaan for striking a rock for water instead of speaking to it. We see these examples in Scripture, and we choose to esteem every precept of God and hate every false way (Ps 119:128). Why not come be such legalists with us?

Read more here.

Seduced by the Religious Attractions of Paganism

God is jealous. He saved you from serving the devil to be His very own bride. He expects total adoration and perfect obedience. Religious holy days are one of the devil’s and world’s favorite ways to seduce you into spiritual adultery, where you will ignorantly make love with pagan idolatry and the devil, often in the name of Christianity. When God sees this adultery, He turns to be your enemy (Jas 4:4).

God is jealous. He knew religious customs of other nations were attractive, so He warned His people strictly to reject all of them. He would not accept any pagan religious traditions, even if done to Him (Deut 12:1-4,29-31). He demands perfect obedience, without turning to the right or the left, without adding or taking away (Deut 5:32; 12:32). He expects you to come out and be separate (II Cor 6:14-18).

Read more here: Holidays